Sunday, August 26, 2007

Who is Tom Field?

I don't know who Tom Field really is, but I think it is time Bob and I find out Tom's real identity.

If Tom Field has any association to Bob Bisno, his companies, or groups supporting Ponte Vista at San Pedro, Bob Bisno needs to know that.

Tom Field made a promise to be in a private Email that he would introduce himself at the last CAC meeting. The last CAC meeting was held and nobody identified himself to be as being "Tom Field". I expected that whoever Tom Field really is, he or she would not actually do what he or she promised to do. Something like that was expected of that person, so I wasn't surprised a bit.

Since the last CAC meeting, several people have asked me if "Tom" had introduced himself or herself to me at the meeting. No one was surprised that "Tom" didn't do what he promised.

So I waited for about a week, and still no identification came forth.

I have decided that I am going to use this particular blog to make suggestions as to the real identity of "Tom Field".

I am going to use this blog to keep any information I learn viewable to the least number of viewers. My purpose in suggesting names it to try and enlist help in attempting to find other individuals who may see the names I post and create opinions of their own, as to who they feel really is Tom Field.

The way I am probably going to suggest possible identities is to list a name of a person who MAY be "Tom Field" and use objective and factual information to identify why each person may be thought of as POSSIBLY being "Tom Field".

I must use facts and be as objective as possible to keep from having my suggestions thought of as being libelous or slanderous. As I am being objective and stating only facts, I cannot be considered to have any civil action taken against me.

I will also limit comments being posted as to this issue. If I receive filthy comments or threatening comments, I will surely post them to defend my position.

If I name names and provide objective and factual information about individuals who turn out NOT to be "Tom Field" but consider themselves harmed in any way, it is NOT my fault. The fault will rest squarely on the limp shoulders of "Tom Field". He or she is willing to use their friends and acquaintances in order to keep their true identity secret, and if "Tom's" friends get suggested, then "Tom" is the only one to blame.

Now, I do believe that "Tom" is connected in some way with Ponte Vista at San Pedro. I feel that ignorance of his or her identity by everyone at BDC was a disservice to them and Bob Bisno needs to know the identity, too. Bob may be liable for some of "Tom's" writings.

I also believe that "Tom" may have been somewhat a victim of Bob's. There were quite a number of folks who have been sold a bill of goods by Bob and there are many of Bob's supporters who were not and are not pleased with Bob's actions and his complete denial of any sort of discussions for real compromises at Ponte Vista.

There are individuals who I have not identified in any post on this or any other blog that I may name as possibly being "Tom Field". If I do mention names you have not read in the past, I will objectively and factually identify them as best as possible. There are several individuals who I know for a fact are NOT "Tom Field" and I will probably mention those names, too.

I am also going to wait a bit to begin suggesting names. I would like to give "Tom" a chance to come forward so as to not put any of his or her friends on the spot by suggesting they may be "Tom" when the real "Tom" knows they are not. I want to give "Tom" a chance to keep folks he knows out of the spotlight, if he does not wish to have their names mentioned.

I will also suggest names of individuals who MAY be the creator of the fake R1 blog and Foul Mouth fellow, if I feel they are different people from "Tom".

Other than attempting to identify who "Tom Field" really is, I have no wish to go beyond that issue. I am more that happy to not deal with "Tom" on my main blog, now and in the future, unless "Tom" gets nasty. I would like finding out who "Tom" really is to go smoothly, quietly, and with the least amount of trouble being created for those folks who are not really "Tom".

It is time to move on and there are many more important issues to deal with, but I do believe, after reading what I have read for these last many months, "Tom" should buck up and provide the information he promised at the beginning of the year.

Friday, August 10, 2007

I Need to be Nicer, I Guess

Attacking "XXX" and her potty-mouthed friends, all of whom are emotionally and socially retarded, we are all coming to find, is something I should continue easing up on, I feel at this time.

She is still attacking me with posts and everyone is becoming more informed about her many troubles dealing with just about everything.

She also has resorted to not providing us with her "true wisdom" concerning Ponte Vista lately, so it seems she only wants to continue attacking somebody that really means nothing in the big picture.

I guess when the words "Kennedy Dead" appeared above the fold on most newspapers in the U.S., "XXX" thought that was just something the newspapers had to do on November 23, 1963.

I guess "Challenger Disastor" and "PEACE" were just stories and headlines that newspapers put on the front page, above the fold, as a gimmick, according to Ms. "XXX".

I am very sorry that I am using the feminine pronouns and description for "XXX" as I know it attacks women by considering that "XXX" could actually be a female.

Wouldn't we all want to see what "XXX" might come up with now that the CAC, and thousands and thousands of members of OUR community have recommended a residential density equal to the density of R1 at Ponte Vista? How about "XXX" getting back on topic?

Wouldn't that be a unique switch?

Oh, by the way, there is absolutely no way for "Tom Field" or anyone else supportive of a large development at Ponte Vista, to provide any rational grounds to suggest that the residents at Ponte Vista will add more to the L.A. tax base, both in property taxes and sales taxes from purchases within the five-mile radius AND in the City of L.A., to make up for the added costs to all taxpayers in the City of Los Angeles for the goods and services which must be provided to all the new residents of Ponte Vista.

Simply put, the more folks who live at Ponte Vista, the more all the taxpayers in L.A. are going to have to pay to keep everyones' goods and services from being diminished.

The more folks get at Ponte Vista, the less folks get everywhere else in the City of Los Angeles, including the rest of San Pedro. And this fact can be proven.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Another very funny post

Well "XXX" did it again and created a post specifically attacking me, again.
Why oh why does he spend so much time when he can't even supply us with his real identity?

If he read back to the very beginning of my posts, he would read that my fist blog about Ponte Vista was an experiment and I had absolutely no idea where it would lead. I also wrote that I knew almost nothing about blogging (something he claimed he knows much more than I do about).

When something is the about something dealing with a person whos last name ends with an "s", it is "s'" and not anything like Well's. I think "XXX" made the mistake deliberately, rather than using "Wells'", which is correct.

Where has anyone recently been able to view comments about "XXX" on my primary blog for Ponte Vista? If nowhere is your answer, then you are correct. I don't tend to waste any time attacking "XXX" on the primary blog because he has made it such an old thing to do, continuously attack me, that it is only fun to deal with him/her on this particular blog. It seems he reads this one as well.

I guess the worst thing I do when I rebut "XXX" is take on an emotionally challenged individual. I know I probably shouldn't pick on someone as weak as a person who will not correctly identify himself or herself. I do wish he/she would just ignore me. Every time he/she writes and entire post dedicated to attacking me, well, I feel I need to challenge that post.

I have been looking for a correction from "XXX" for his improper use of one of the four "Rs" but I guess owning up to such a big error is something he/she is incapable of doing.

It looks like "XXX" and I share something in common. All of the compromise proposals we both have thought about will probably not be near what the Planning Department might suggest. So it looks like we both tried and we both failed to get our compromises seriously considered. What the heck, we gave it some shots.

I guess we all won't be sitting on pins and needles while "XXX" is taking a break and coming up with a redo for his blog.

I will stipulate one thing right here and right now. If "XXX" discontinues attacking me on any of the blogs he writes or writes for (the FAKE R1 blog) or any other new blog I find on the Internet, I will do my best to ignore anything and everything he/she writes about.

Don't you think that is fair?