Saturday, November 24, 2007

Somebody Does Have a Point

I can't really argue with somebody's allegations against San Pedro's Neighborhood Councils.

He/She may have a point. It probably should be investigated.

Perhaps along with that investigation, Laura Chick should have an investigation concerning folks in the City of Los Angeles being called for a telephone survey that suggested that Ponte Vista would have "a mix of single-family homes, condominiums, and townhomes."

Or perhaps, in the future, if Bob only gets entitlements to built many fewer units than he wants to build, he might not provide the land and the budget for a permanent road between Western Avenue and the new Mary Star campus. Since the advertisement appeared in today's More San Pedro where it is written that when the entitlements are granted, Bob will build the new road. What might happen if Bob decides that if the L.A. City Council refuses to adopt ordinances that would allow for a certain number of units, Bob would NOT build the access road. Bob has claimed that he is not legally bound to provide the road over his property, if the site remains R1.

I actually would welcome investigations into all matters of support or opposition to Bob's current, former, and perhaps, future plans. We seem to have an agent working for Bob who is using back channels and mis-identification, to further Bob's processes, and support. Why is Bob's agent hiding? What does he/she have to lose?

It is becoming more clear to me, at least, that a certain individual has much more intimate knowledge of Bob's organization than he/she claims. With that person's ability to bring up issues and have them dealt with, isn't it about time that person becomes brave enough to identify himself/herself.

If it is found that a certain individual is a person known to Bob Bisno, Alan Abshez, Elise Swanson, and others being paid by the Bisno organization, I think we might be able to get some more investigations going that would slow down Bob's processes much more.

I have absolutely no problem with starting and continuing investigations that could result in more time being spent before Bob's plans, whatever they are, come before the L.A. City Planning Commission or the City Council. The longer the delay, the happier I am. It means as traffic gets worse, the better we all will have to judge the situations.

Bob and his supporters seem to want to get things done quickly. Why don't we just slow down, think more about what this is doing to OUR community and deal with things, as they come along.

Perhaps Bob might even benefit from the slowing down. If he can sit on what should be vacant land for a couple of years, perhaps the housing market will rebound. Of course by that time both Target and Marshall's will be in full operation. Just think of the traffic studies that will have to be conducted in two to three years.

Oh yes, I am not a stakeholder in the Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council and if I am a stakeholder in Northwest San Pedro and/or Central San Pedro Neighborhood Councils, I don't consider myself a member of either of those organizations.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Crap! He's/She's Back

Well I guess when I questioned a letter to the editor by Mr. Louis Dominguez, on my main blog, it seems to have brought back Tom Field into the picture.

Go figure.

Now I am not stating as fact who "Tom Field" really is and I am not stating, claiming, or telling anyone I know, for a fact, who "Tom Field" really is. It is just a wonder why, when I mention Louis Dominguez on my main blog, "Tom Field" begins to write again.

Well, I am still going to have to moderate comments on all my blogs, that's for sure.

I hope "Tom" doesn't hang around too long. We were doing so fine without him/her.

I must have pissed somebody off when I questioned just what in the Sam Hell is "the project".
I still don't have a real answer on that one.

I have not written about "Tom" for some time and I'll try my best to keep the person out of posts on my main blog.

To think, I nominated Louis Dominguez as someone who could be considered more like John Olguin. It would be tragic to find out that I am so wrong about Mr. Dominguez.

I guess now that Mark A. Waronek is the former Mayor of Lomita, that is another blow, at least very slight, to the Bisno group.

Some folks were even wondering if Councilman Waite and Councilwoman Dever were in league with Mark and/or Bob. I don't know anything about that, so you'll have to ask others yourself.

Things haven't been going to well for elected and selected persons who are also affiliated with Bob Bisno.

It really wasn't that pretty watching Mark Waronek exit the Council Chamber, especially after hearing from him that, "it still hurts." Mr. Waronek, you apparently hitched your horse to a bad buggy and it cost you. I don't think you can blame anyone, but yourself, for your loss, not even Bob.